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New, New, New

Its a new year. I have a new blog. And, like millions of other people, I'm trying to make a fresh start. I've tried blogging in the past, but never got very far. I think I didn't have anything to really blog about. But, now, I'm a photographer and a mom, so I should be able to find something to talk about. Not only is there a new blog, but I have some new offerings, which I will be highlighting in future posts.

I've been a semi-professional photographer since 2013. I say semi-professional, because I feel I'm still learning and growing. And, as a stay-at-home-mom, my son is my main focus. He is a full-time job and an exhausting one at that.

As a mom, my days are filled with laundry, dishes, crumbs, and trains. My day starts around 7:00am and I don't get a break until around 1:00pm when my son goes down for his nap. I know I should spend that time cleaning or bettering myself. But, usually, I spend it bingeing something Netflix (right now its “Arrow”), surfing Facebook, or reading (currently reading, “First Daughter”).

So, as a photographer and a mom, I feel maybe I can offer something to other moms. And that's this. Learn to appreciate the little moments. I'm hired all the time to capture the big moments, the polished and primped moments – birthdays, holidays, family reunions, etc. But, it is also important to take time and get photos of the everyday, mundane moments that make up our lives. So, here are a couple photos from my life this morning.

My son is 2.5 years old and fiercely independent. He just started trying to dress himself and choosing his own clothes. On good days, this means shirt and pants. Most days, its just a shirt. Today was a good day (the pants stayed on until about 10am).

So, obviously these aren't fancy photos. He's only in a pull-up and his hair is a mess. But, this is my baby. This is the boy I see everyday. As much as I like the boy who shows up on family portrait day, I love this boy the most.

I played with actions and edited these all a little differently. The last one is my favorite and proves that you can get a beautiful photo with out struggling to make your kid look "perfect". They are already.

So, here is to a new year and a new perspective.

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