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Finding the Light

This week, I started a new online course about how to find light for everyday photos. One of the assignments was to take photos demonstrating the various types of light. The photos below are mostly demonstrating back light with a few side light photos.

Finding light indoors is a constant struggle for me. I hate using a flash because it limits spontaneity. You have to wait for the flash to recharge and if your batteries aren't right out of the package, that can take a few seconds during which you may have missed a great shot. Flash is fine when photographing either infants (who can't move) or older children and adults (who can take direction). It doesn't work for toddlers and preschoolers.

So, I've been trying to make do with the available natural light in the places I photograph. These photos were done at my parents' house, which tends to be dark and has little direct light filtering in through the windows. It forced me to be creative, both on the spot and in processing.

I did manage to get some really cute shots of my son and his little cousin, though. I'm pretty happy with these. But, mind you, I took over 100 photos and only got 6 that I felt looked professional. The rest were either nice snapshots or completely terrible. More practice is needed.

This is back and side lit

"I can't believe they gave us pens. Guess they didn't see the crayon on the wall, yet?"

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