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DIY Backdrop = Messy Play

This weekend, I will be hosting my first Portrait Party at my home. It's a new service I am offering to my customers. Sort of a combination Tupperware Party/Photo Session. The hostess invites 6-10 friends to her home or other location. Each guest gets a 15 minute session and 5 photos for $45. While the guests wait their turn, there is food and fun. Plus, the hostess gets her session for free!

So, I am in the midst of prepping my home for the first party (of many, I hope). I'm doing a Valentine Cookie and Milk theme. So, I needed a backdrop. I didn't want to just use a blank wall. And the spot I chose to do the photos isn't wide enough for one of my professional drops. So, I decided to diy it. And Bobby helped.

I rolled out about 6 feet of butcher block paper and taped it to the floor. Then, I stripped the toddler and gave him a plate of red paint and a couple brushes. I drew a couple hearts but he did the rest. He really got into it, too.

Of course, it would have been better if said toddler wasn't currently afraid of the bath. But, otherwise, it was a lot of fun and a great opportunity to snap some pics.

I will have pics from the Portrait Party next week, along with tips on how to host your own Portrait Party!

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